1. Doom 3 Review (Switch eShop) - Nintendo Life
5 aug 2019 · Doom 3 is a much slower, more atmospheric experience where you're rewarded for careful aiming (ie headshots) under pressure.
A Hell of a looker

2. Doom 3 (Switch) Review - Nintendo World Report
7 aug 2019 · The Switch version, based on the BFG remaster in 2012 released on PS3 and Xbox 360, adopts the shoulder-mounted flashlight, taking away a good ...
Drag me back to Hell.

3. DOOM On The Go: DOOM I, II, and III Switch Review - GameSpace.com
13 aug 2019 · The gameplay and controls work flawlessly on the Nintendo Switch port and with full rumble support, blasting Demons feels right at home on this ...
Confession time, I’m a huge Doom fanboy. It was the second FPS shooter I ever played back when owning a Packard Bell 486 meant you were at the top of the

4. Review - Doom 3 (Switch) - WayTooManyGames
28 jul 2019 · The game is still very good in its own awkward way. Its atmosphere is unsettling. Its story is actually quite good, a first (and only time) for ...
Ground Control to Major Satan...

5. DOOM 3 Review - IGN
6 aug 2004 · DOOM 3 is a great game. Not necessarily for the gameplay aspects, but for the fact that my eyes and ears never went a moment without being ...
DOOM 3 is a great game. Not necessarily for the gameplay aspects, but for the fact that my eyes and ears never went a moment without being completely entertained. DOOM 3 is extremely immersive with about as perfect a presentation as I've ever seen in a game. Visually, it has no peer at the moment. Even Far Cry's impressive vistas and wonderful environments can't stand up to the artistic and technical might of this sensory feast. Playing this on a 5.1 surround sound in the dark is an intense experience that, if possible, must be enjoyed. Without the atmosphere, DOOM 3 is a plain shooter that hearkens back to those of the 90's. Certainly, that's what id was trying to do, and they've done it. While I don't appreciate those types of shooters as much as I used to, it didn't really matter. I was drawn in and addicted almost completely from the moment that nameless marine arrived at Mars City to the moment the final credits began rolling.

6. DOOM 3 (Nintendo Switch) Review - Page 1 - Cubed3
10 mrt 2020 · It's a linear and repetitive, low-key horror first-person shooter, which looks great, but can also be frustratingly dark.
DOOM 3 on Nintendo Switch Review - Rated 7 out of 10 - Page 1.
7. Doom 3 for Nintendo Switch – Review - eShopperReviews
16 aug 2023 · Doom 3 · Genre: First-Person Shooter · Players: 1 · Game Company Bad Behavior Profile Page: ZeniMax Media Inc · Review: · tl;dr – Doom 3 is a First- ...
See AlsoLa Ley De Herodes (1999) OnlineImage provided by Nintendo.com Doom 3 Genre: First-Person Shooter Players: 1 Game Company Bad Behavior Profile Page: ZeniMax Media Inc . Review: (Note: This game is included in the Compilation Doom…

8. Doom III: Single-Player Review | Eurogamer.net
29 mrt 2006 · Doom III kicks off with a knowing nod to Valve, with an opening sequence that bears more than passing resemblance to Half-Life but feels more ...
It's hard to figure out what's more hellish. Being trapped indoors on a hot, sticky, humid London summer day at 32 degr…

9. DOOM op Nintendo Switch Review - IGN Benelux
9 nov 2017 · De Pro Controller van de Switch bleek al gauw mijn absolute favoriet voor het spelen van DOOM. De lekker in de hand liggende controller met ...
Een gigantisch potje gruwelijk knallen op de Switch? Sander probeerde het, dit is zijn eindoordeel.

10. Doom III | Eurogamer.net
29 mrt 2006 · Another thing Doom III definitely isn't is the overwhelming onslaught of innumerable demonic aggressors that fans of the first two games ...
Order yours now from Simply Games.

11. DOOM 3 Reviews - Metacritic
It might not be the very best shooter out there, but it's the more visually stunning and successfully atmospheric than any game we've had the pleasure to play.
id Software's terrifying battle with the forces of Hell. A massive demonic invasion has overwhelmed the Union Aerospace Corporations’ (UAC) Mars Research Facility leaving only chaos and horror in its wake. As one of only a few survivors, you struggle with shock and fear as you fight your way to Hell and back, in an epic clash against pure evil. Built on id’s revolutionary new 3D graphics engine, DOOM 3 draws you into the most frightening and gripping 3D gaming experience ever created.
12. DOOM Review (Switch) | Nintendo Life
9 nov 2017 · DOOM is an incredible game, flaws and all. Audio issues and frame rate drops were annoying at times, but weren't dramatic enough to deter us ...
A bloody good time